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The Global Improvement Group helps businesses and individuals offset their carbon footprint. We have personal offset subscriptions to help you auto pilot your carbon neutral lifestyle. We help businesses incorporate eco-friendly into their brand image by helping them plant trees or purchase carbon credits. Little actions add up and when we all do our part we make a MASSIVE impact – join us in our journey to help the planet!

The Global Improvement Group uses highly credible sources in our carbon offset calculations. For individual offsets, we use the carbon footprint of the average American based on research found by ourworldindata.org. This data has found average emissions to be 16.2 tonnes annually or 35,714.9 lbs, equaling 2,976.2 lbs monthly. Rosian.org has found the average tree offsets 679.7 lbs of CO2 throughout it’s lifetime. Breaking down 2,976.2 / 679.7 leads us to plant 4.38 trees per month for each individual offset subscription. This adds up to 52.56 trees annually. We round up and plant 5 trees per month and 60 per year for good measure with our personal offset packages. Do your part and sign up here!

The Global Improvement Group calculates our partners’ carbon footprint using a questionnaire regarding employee counts, energy usage, transportation usage (including shipping), and events. Want to keep it simple? You can simply plant a tree per order you receive and let your customers know their shipment is carbon neutral. Sign up for a consultation here.

The Carbon Offset Partnership Program is a flexible way for your company to give back in a way that’s smart for your business. Whether that means going through a consultation to offset your company’s entire carbon footprint, contributing on a per sale / service basis, or another creative way, your company can capitalize on a growing market of eco-friendly buyers and grow your bottom line while giving back and making the world a better place at the same time.
The Global Improvement Group only works with the most credible, trustworthy, and highly regarded tree planting and carbon credit organizations out there. The organizations we partner with have been around for several decades and have won numerous awards for their environmental work.
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