
About this project.

This project is dedicated to restoring degraded mangrove forests in Alcantara, Maranhão, Brazil. By revitalizing these critical ecosystems, it not only enhances biodiversity and aquatic resources but also creates sustainable employment opportunities and promotes microenterprises for the Quilombola community. These efforts are designed to deliver both immediate and long-term benefits, improving the environment and strengthening local livelihoods.
The mangroves in the region have suffered significant damage over the years due to environmental degradation and the absence of adequate restoration efforts. This project seeks to reverse that impact by planting tens of thousands of mangroves and involving local community members in conservation and reforestation efforts. More than just an ecological restoration, the initiative also fosters economic stability and plays a crucial role in preserving the cultural heritage of the community.

Progress and Community Impact

Building trust with the community was a critical first step, which, once achieved, laid the foundation for long-term success. Through formal agreements with local authorities, mapping planting areas, and conducting pilot projects, the initiative has ensured the survival and adaptability of key mangrove species like the Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans) and Red Mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa).

As of now, over 27,325 mangroves have been planted, and the goal is to plant 100,000 propagules by June 2024. The project has provided stable employment for four local planting staff and a project manager, with all employees receiving benefits under Brazilian labor laws. Additionally, local residents are earning wages by sourcing propagules, fostering a sense of ownership and promoting sustainable practices.

For many Quilombola people, this initiative represents their first experience with stable employment. Historically marginalized and disconnected from consistent economic opportunities, these individuals now play a vital role in restoring ecosystems integral to their heritage and way of life.


Country: Brazil
City: Alcantara

Project Type


Environmental Benefits


Country: Brazil
City: Alcantara

Project Type


Environmental Benefits

About this project.

This project is dedicated to restoring degraded mangrove forests in Alcantara, Maranhão, Brazil. By revitalizing these critical ecosystems, it not only enhances biodiversity and aquatic resources but also creates sustainable employment opportunities and promotes microenterprises for the Quilombola community. These efforts are designed to deliver both immediate and long-term benefits, improving the environment and strengthening local livelihoods.
The mangroves in the region have suffered significant damage over the years due to environmental degradation and the absence of adequate restoration efforts. This project seeks to reverse that impact by planting tens of thousands of mangroves and involving local community members in conservation and reforestation efforts. More than just an ecological restoration, the initiative also fosters economic stability and plays a crucial role in preserving the cultural heritage of the community.

Progress and
Community Impact

Building trust with the community was a critical first step, which, once achieved, laid the foundation for long-term success. Through formal agreements with local authorities, mapping planting areas, and conducting pilot projects, the initiative has ensured the survival and adaptability of key mangrove species like the Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans) and Red Mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa).

As of now, over 27,325 mangroves have been planted, and the goal is to plant 100,000 propagules by June 2024. The project has provided stable employment for four local planting staff and a project manager, with all employees receiving benefits under Brazilian labor laws. Additionally, local residents are earning wages by sourcing propagules, fostering a sense of ownership and promoting sustainable practices.

For many Quilombola people, this initiative represents their first experience with stable employment. Historically marginalized and disconnected from consistent economic opportunities, these individuals now play a vital role in restoring ecosystems integral to their heritage and way of life.

Reviving Culture and Ecosystems

Reviving Culture
and Ecosystems

The mangroves of Alcantara hold profound cultural and historical significance for the Quilombola community, descendants of enslaved Africans who formed free settlements in Brazil. This restoration project is not only about renewing the environment but also about reclaiming and preserving the cultural identity of this resilient community. Located within the Reentrâncias Maranhenses State Conservation Unit, these lands are recognized both for their ecological richness and their deep cultural value to the people of Alcantara.

Key activities currently underway include the planting of mangrove propagules in low-salinity areas to expand the forest coverage, along with continuous monitoring to ensure the survival and growth of the new plantations. Additionally, the project is empowering local residents through microenterprise development and promoting sustainable resource management. It also focuses on raising awareness and educating the community on best practices for conservation to ensure the long-term health of the ecosystem.

With sustained support, the project is poised to create lasting change. The goal is not only to restore the mangrove forests but also to establish a sustainable model of community-led conservation that can be replicated in similar ecosystems across the globe. This initiative goes beyond environmental restoration and offers a renewed sense of hope for both the natural world and the communities that depend on it.